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How does the Catholic Church elect a new Pope? What is a conclave?

Writer: Tamar MillerTamar Miller

This week, for my research, I have been pondering church rituals that have withstood the test of time. With the recent news of Pope Francis’s declining health, I have begun to think about the rituals that endure within the church and the assurances that Christians have that the future of the church is protected. A conclave is an ancient ritual cloaked in secrecy but of absolute importance sustaining the life of the Catholic Faith. It is a ritual that elects a Pope if the current Pope resigns or dies while in office. There have been many films evoking images and plots having all to do with the electing of a new Pope, but this is Hollywood and only a few humans get to see the inner workings of this very old tradition.

St. Peter's Basilica
St. Peter's Basilica

Who are the members of the Conclave?

A conclave is made up of the College of Cardinals and is called for the purpose of selecting a new Pope. A cardinal is a bishop or archbishop. This College of Cardinals is represented by bishops/archbishops from all over the globe. It is truly a uniting of nations. To be a member in the College of Cardinals one must be personally chosen by the Pope himself. Cardinals are recognized by their bright red vestments.

A conclave consists of 120 electors and only cardinals under the age of 80 are allowed to vote for Pope. Church law states that only a bishop can be chosen as Pope and therefore the College of Cardinals will select one of their own members to serve as the new Pope.

During the conclave, 9 cardinals are chosen at random to serve as support staff during the vote. 3 are to serve as “scrutineers” or voting judges, 3 are to serve as ballot collectors to the cardinals who are too ill to leave their quarters, and 3 serve as revisors who check the work of the scrutineers.

Preparation and distribution of paper ballots is by 2 Masters of Ceremonies who are among a handful of non-cardinal members allowed into the chapel.

How does the Conclave work?

The Conclave operates under secrecy and isolation so that no outside influence can occur within the voting process. On Day 1 of the Conclave, morning mass is held and then the cardinals enter the Sistine Chapel. On this first day, 1 ballot vote is allowed in the afternoon session. On days 2 and 3 ballot votes can occur twice in the morning session and twice in the afternoon session. If no vote is reached, then they pause on day 4 and resume the daily ballot voting on day 5.


Rules of the Conclave:

During voting sessions each voting cardinal receives a paper ballot with the top half saying “Eligo in Summum Pontificem” or “I elect as Supreme high pontiff.” The bottom half is blank for their write-in candidate.

While voting non-cardinals leave the chapel while cardinals secretly fill out their paper ballots.

The cardinals fold their ballots two times.

Each cardinal then walks their ballot to the altar holding up the folded ballot for all to see.

He then places the ballot on a plate then slides it inside a chalice.

Once all ballots are cast, the first scrutineer shakes the chalice, and transfers them to an urn.

The ballots are then counted to see if the number of ballots corresponds to the number of voting cardinals.

Each ballot is read aloud and each of the 3 scrutineers analyzes each ballot recording the names and votes are counted.

There must be a 2/3 majority for a new Pope to be elected.

The last scrutineer pierces each ballot with a needle and thread through the word “eligo.”

Ballots are then burned immediately after each count.

The Smoke:

If a Pope has been chosen the ballots are burned dry to produce white smoke.

If the vote has failed, the ballots are burned, and the smoke is black.

The smoke is the only signal of what is occurring inside the Sistine Chapel.

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel:

So many tourists see the Sistine Chapel as a work of art and architecture displaying the genius of Michelangelo’s Last Judgement and beautifully painted Ceiling and how one could not notice the walls flocked by the frescoes of more Renaissance Masters. However, the Sistine Chapel is one of the most important areas of the Vatican and has been the site of countless conclaves.



If you are lucky enough to spend time in Rome and you visit the Vatican Museums along with St. Peter’s Basilica, take a moment to see it as something more than a tourist attraction. This is the home of the Catholic Church and the home of the Pope. It is a privilege they open their doors to visitors from all over the world. If you find yourself sitting along the benches in the Sistine Chapel, take time to look away from the ceiling and focus on the central altar. This large chapel will endure with the rituals of time forgotten and create new opportunities for the church to bring the ancient into the modern world. You are basking in history.


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